Sunday, January 5, 2014


Today in relief society the theme of the discussion was prayer. Even though this is a topic I hear about often in the church, it is one I rarely get tired of talking about. It is so easy to get caught up in the redundancy of thanking the Lord for our family and then blessing my family to be safe. Do I take the time to pray about people specifically, such as our ward leaders or sisters I vist teach? Do I take time to think about the Lords blessings in my life? How often I get so tired I barely even remember what I said in my prayer the next day.
A friend commented that, (this is not exact wording but as close as I could remember) "Sometimes we think about prayer in a way where we are praying because God is someone we should respect and we are just doing our service or duty to him. We need to remember that it is a relationship just like any other. It is a father daughter and friendly relationship." I loved this! It reminds me that, in order for this relationship to reach its potential I must constantly be communicating. Communication meaning not only do I sit and talk, or pray, but I listen as well. Another thought was given that, "we should listen as much as we talk during prayers." I know for me I get so caught up in saying my prayer and wanting to be finished that rarely do I pause for a response. Even though I am not asking a question, it doesn't mean the Lord doesn't have something important he wants to tell me.
The lesson today really inspired me to not get into bad praying habits. I shouldn't wait until I am about to fall asleep so I am to tired to concentrate. I should listen to the spirit and remember that our communication should go both ways. The Lord has given me so much, the least that I can do is give him some of my time in return. I hope this year I can work on having more spiritually directed prayers and less redundant ones. 

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine a skill more useful to develop than learning to use the great gift of prayer in your life. Thank you Krystle for your blog entry today. You inspire me to do better!
