Saturday, January 4, 2014

Don't blink

As a child I never understood the meaning of 'time flying'. Now I am realizing more and more each day as I watch my children grow. What brought this along? Ty and I went to the primary breakfast where Emily met her new Sunbeam teacher. I know, I know, she is in sunbeams! I can't believe it either. It is exciting and scary all at the same time. Mostly I loved to watch her interact with the teachers by answering questions about Jesus and temples. She can tell them her name, how to spell it, and sometimes show them how to write it. Instead of wanting to sit on my lap she scooted over next to her new friend, (anyone her age she sees is her new friend) and was content without even looking over her shoulder. Sigh. I can only imagine how fast the next few years are going to go by. Time to go find a cookie so I can bribe her to sit with me and watch a movie. Excuse me while I flood the blog with sweet pictures of my girl.

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