Wednesday, July 2, 2014

When did the tornado touch down?

Cranky, tired, and overwhelmed are just a few of the titles my close friends and sweet family may describe me as the last couple of weeks. Unfortunately I didn't even realize I was in such a bad mood until the last few days. Michael has been saying the word "go" a lot. I could not figure out where he got it from, then I thought about it and had an a-ha moment! I have been telling the dog to "go to bed", I tell Emily and Michael to "go to the playroom" and many other times I say we are going here or (my least favorite to admit) "go away!" It made me sad that of the few words he knows go is one of them. Not because it is a bad word but because that means it is a word that is said frequently in our home. I want him to be saying things like, yay, happy, boo (for peek-a-boo) and other games we play. Which he does know a lot of other sweet words, but this one is just a bit concerning for me.

I was talking to a good friend of mine and was reminded of why I have been feeling overwhelmed and it helped me to put things into perspective. Our family is going through a lot of large life changing experiences along with some extra not so pleasant things. Looking at it this way helped me to prioritize some things and realize that it is okay to be overwhelmed. I just need to go about things a little differently than before, the house doesn't always have to be perfect. I can have Michael help with the laundry for a little bit, even if that means he makes it a little harder to get things done. I can put off making a home cooked dinner for a frozen pizza if I need to. 

I want Michael to say more kind and loving words, and I want to be the one who teaches him! Sometimes it just takes talking to a good friend to realize that you don't have to be perfect and by trying to be perfect it is really just bringing more stress onto yourself, which in turn makes you (well me) more crabby.

As for what is going on with us that is making me so crazy; I will start off with the good things. We are buying a house for the first time! We are beyond excited but I have never realized how much work it is! There is so much paperwork and meetings that we have to fit into Tylers work schedule. We are also looking at the foster to adopt program. We start an 8 week class in the next couple of months that you have to take to get into the program. Before we start the class there are a ton of hoops, aka paperwork, that you have to jump through to get started. Last but not least, drum roll… I am starting college classes again at UMUC (online classes). But of course it requires transcripts to be sent, lots of paper work to apply for grants, and scholarships. Also lots of paperwork to get instate tuition for being a military dependent. These are all such awesome things going on but all together, happening in the same two months, they have a lot of stress that comes with them. 

Now for the ugly, we have been dealing with a neighbor who threatened our family's life. There is an investigation going on right now so I can't say much more about what happen but it was scary and at the time and we are still living next to them. It keeps me awake until late at night and I spend a good amount of time triple checking to make sure the doors and windows are locked tight. There has been a lot of dealing with that which has me on edge and accounts for the reason I am so tired! But I know in time this to shall pass and we will have a new house, new neighbors and sun shiny skies ahead!

Well that was my a-ha moment and some new things going on with us! It feels a bit like a tornado has hit us and I don't even remember it happening. Luckily I have an awesome husband by my side to clean up the crazy that it left behind! Until next time ~